Sunday, April 27, 2008

Phil's back for a bit......

Well, Philip got back from training last Thursday. He went back to work on Friday. This is a very bittersweet time for us. We are making every minute count, but we are also very mindful of the upcoming 15 month separation. This is hard, very hard. Okay, really it is incredibly painful..... Philip is dealing somewhat better than I, because he looks at Iraq as his duty to his country. I, on the other hand, struggle to understand it all completely. I am glad that we are helping an oppressed people, I just wish that we didn't have to do it at the cost of hundreds of thousands of people's families.....wives, husbands, children.....fathers, mothers..... The sacrifice that is made by a year or more long separation is beyond comprehension for many who have not had to do it. It puts a real face on the true value of marriage and family and what can often be taken forgranted. I no longer complain as much about later nights at work.......because to me, that is better than never seeing my husband for months and months......... In just 4 short months I have grown up a lot. But, I can't say it has totally helped me with what I will have to soon face. Married life is really great.....and essentially I will be a "single" person again in a month and a half.....

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