Monday, April 27, 2009

The Great Design Challenge

Sooo...I have been watching HGTV and reading DIY Magazine a lot. It never occurred to me that this was something I could actually do for my own place! I have been pretty concerned with getting the house spotless and organized before Philip returns. I have done little projects here and there in the lines of organization and cleaning consistency...but have been giving a lot of thought to actually adding some color and design to our living room and bedroom as a little "Surprise!". Of course, Philip is the typical male. He isn't all that concerned by what is on the walls of the house as long as it has 4 walls and a roof in which he can sleep and take leisurely baths. However, I think redesigning these two "hot" spots with dramatic change the look of things and add another dimension to our "home". There are limits to what I can do...since I am in a rental.

I really don't have my own sense of style. So, I think it will be fun to see what inexpensive and creative things I can do and use to "paint" the canvas of the empty walls. If you have any ideas or suggestions...let me know!!! :) I'm getting really excited about having a crisp, clean house to present Philip with!! Something he and I can be proud of and entertain and show off!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

It's getting closer.....

I am allowing myself to start thinking about the day I get to see Philip again and hug him...I know that it will be here before I know it! Although it still is hard right now because he is working so much and isn't able to be online that often.

I am finishing up my FINAL course for my BACHELOR'S's about time right? This class is SERIOUSLY killing me.... Statistics, basically I am to run statistical analysis on my research variables which are Attachment style and its affect on the quality of romantic relationships. I composed a survey that my fellow classmates took and now I must decide which type of test to run on my data: t test, ANOVA, or correlations. Then I must discuss this data and the results and make this all stretch to be 8 pages!!!!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say, I understand about as much as you probably do after reading the above sentences!!!!!!!!!!!!! I pray that God bestows much guidance over the course of the next two days!!!

Also, I made a card which you can see on my other blog. I am proud of it. I haven't done paper crafting in a while and it felt good to get it all out and play with my stuff! After this class I plan on doing A LOT more of it!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Welcome Home Party

Hey guys,
As the time draws near for Philip's return, I have been thinking of putting together a welcome home party! I was thinking a B-B-Q at Blora. I don't know the logistics of this...but I know that with my work schedule, it is going to be very hard for me to get days off to drive up to the most likely it will have to be visitors here. Hopefully Hollie and Jared and Ethan can come down and see my place!!!

I want to welcome Philip back and acknowledge how much his sacrifice means!!! It hasn't been an easy year over there...anytime you are away from your family, home, and country it's got to be rough!

I'm not sure if this will work out for anyone...but I was thinking the end of June.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My Craft Room!!!

Take a look at my other blog! I added pictures of my craft room!

MY man is coming home in about 75 days!!!!!

Gosh, I can't tell you how much I miss Philip......but with the onset of Spring comes the excitement that he will soon be home!!! He deployed June 23 roughly, but his unit deployed officially around June 15 so if we are lucky he will be home around that time as well.

They have been REALLY busy over there...working 12 hour shifts, 7 days a week without a day off for about 2 weeks now. Please keep Philip in your prayers as this is hard for anyone, but he is just completely wore down. He says he goes to bed tired and wakes up tired.

I have been working a lot of hours at Walmart....about 30-34 hours roughly. Full time is 34 and above...I am only supposed to be part time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With Philip's work schedule and me working all day...we haven't been able to connect as much as I would have liked,,,so that has been rough. We probably get to chat about 30 minutes once or twice a week if we are lucky...sooo in the grand scheme of things that is not a lot! :(

Buddy and Ava are doing good...but their Momma is looking forward to real human interaction! LOL! Oh and I hope they don't mind when Momma kicks them out of bed to share it with a human being again instead of two of the furry persuasion! ;)

I still think I am having gall bladder problems, but have elected to wait it out and if I have surgery it will be after Philip returns home. I saw the General Surgeon today at the Army hospital and he said I have two options: "Get on the schedule now or wait until your hubby returns and go from there" Since I am not crazy about the idea of losing an organ...I think waiting is the best and we will see if I have any more severe episodes.

Keep me in your I would be remiss to say that loneliness mixed with Walmart and gall bladder pain keep me a little less than perky! :)