Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I'd Like White Cake with Sprinkles, Please.

It's a piece of cake. Hmm........no, it's not.

My husband is leaving tonight, well 1 a.m. to be precise. He is going to a training for 2 weeks. Warrior's Leadership Course (WLC) to be exact. I have pretended like I will be fine. Tried to play it up in my head. "Oh, I will get the whole bed to myself!!" and "Yippee! Unlimited Romantic movies without complaint!". Or my personal favorite, "I will only have one person to clean up after!" These things have ran through my head over the course of the last few weeks and days. I have this nasty little habit of shutting out reality sometimes. It just depends what it is.

The thing is, my house is not complete without my husband. Being an Army wife is not just about the fact that we marry a man in a uniform....it's not about the fact that we "knew" what we were getting ourselves into. It's a fundamental principle that civilian marriages may at times take for granted: time. I learned early on in my marriage, perhaps the hard way, that my ideas of marriage would have to essentially be thrown out the window. It's not that you cannot live by some of the same principles, it's that the basic model of wife and husband living together day in and day out that is challenged. Deployments aside, the Army way of life encompasses every move we make and breath we take. Early days and late nights. Tired husbands, emotionally and physically. Of course, some of the benefits are there. I love the PX and Commissary. I absolutely love the flying helicopters I see daily. I love seeing my husband in uniform! ;)~

But, it's nights like these, waiting for my husband to leave........knowing that June will come sooner than I think. It's those times that Army life is far from a piece of cake. Although,,,right about now, a piece of moist white cake with sprinkles sounds delightful! ;)

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