Friday, March 7, 2008


It snowed here in Killeen last night. It had been raining for the last day and even thundering!! Something that is a rarity down here in this part of Texas. As a Kansas girl, I hardly believed it when Philip called me at 3 a.m. to tell me it was snowing!!! I said, "You're lying". Hehehehe! I said, "It won't stick, I know these things, I am from Kansas!"

Philip came in at 7 a.m. singing....He whispered in my ear, "It stuck!!". I got up and looked........I'd call it a "dusting" more than a snow.......It made me sort of chunkle.......... by 2 p.m. it was gone.........melted off....... Like a dream,,a distant memory.......... LOL!! ;)

It did rouse memories of my home state.......I was starting to miss rain, snow, and the general daily changes in weather that Kansans joke about!

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